The Scamdex Scam Email Archive X

Subject:  [Info] [resignation letter]
From:  Laurent Gbagbo <>
Date:  Sat, 05 Feb 2011 08:58:18 -0800
Date Added:  2016-07-20 19:41:44

This Email with the Subject "[Info] [resignation letter]" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 08:58:18 -0800 and has been classified as a Advance Fee Fraud/419 Scam Email. The sender shows as Laurent Gbagbo <>, although that address was probably spoofed. We recommend that you do not attempt to contact any persons or organizations referenced in this email, or follow any URLs as you may expose yourself to scammers and, at the very least, you will be added to their email address lists for spam purposes.

Attached Message


Greetings to you and to your family,
It is to my faithful delight that I, Mr=2E Laurent Gbagbo, President of the=
 Republic of C=F4te D'Ivoire is contacting you concerning the safety and he=
alth of my family and myself=2E
I will really like to have a good teamwork with you, and I have a special r=
eason why I decided to write you because of the entreaty of this matter=
=2E It gives me more joy because I do believe that we both have to be  open=
-minded and sincere as to knowing each other very well is also my concern f=
or further relationship and or future matter(s), speedy operation in this c=
ase is truly required=2E
 Should you not be surprised of this e-mail since we have not met or had an=
y previous correspondence, I offer=2E
I decided to knock at your door as per the entreaty currently at my side wh=
ereas I have written to seek your indulgence and faithfulness=2E
Due to the current rising tension in my country as per our first presidenti=
al election, this has caused many damages to the country in terms of violen=
ce and many people killed=2E
I personally believe that it is my personal duty to protect my family and I=
 in the first place from the devastating effects of this action brought abo=
ut by the election=2E
I therefore need your teamwork to moving my resources to your country with =
due entreaty=2E
You shall be entitled to these resources as the legal overseas addressee in=
 receiving these resources =2E I want to assured you that this convey is hu=
ndred percent safe=2E
These resources  are the only thing that I have left to help me secure my f=
uture that is why I still hold on the presidential Armor; because I must ma=
ke sure that these resources  are successfully conveyed  outside Africa to =
you in your country whereafter I will release the presidential seat to the =
new president as soon as the resources  gets to you in your country where I=
 will come over with my family to your  country for my share=2E As at now t=
he resources  have been conveyed to one of the African Countries in the sen=
se of upholding serenity over the matter later to any overseas country outs=
ide the African  Continent=2E I am willing to offer you forty percent of th=
e total resources upon successful convey and my arrival in your dear countr=
Mind you, I want you to keep this matter off the record because I do not wa=
nt anyone to know my involvement in this matter for security reasons and to=
 secure my job as the current president of the Republic of  C=F4te D'Ivoire=
 which no one knows that I will soon leave behind after we both have achiev=
ed success in this matter of ours=2E  I want this matter to between you and=
 me alone for security reasons and  circumstances around me=2E
I wait to hear from you soonest=2E

Thanks and God bless you=2E
Sincerely yours,
Laurent Gbagbo

Sent from my IPAD